Resource metrics
The table below lists the resource metrics collected by Unravel. The availability of a particular metric is dependent on the underlying OS and JVM GC algorithm in use.
Metric | Unit | Description |
allocatedBytes | bytes | Accumulated number of allocated bytes. |
availableMemory | bytes | An estimate of memory available for launching new processes. |
avgFullGcInterval | nanoseconds (duration) | Average interval between two subsequent full GCs. Might not be available for particular GC algorithms. |
avgMinorInterval | nanoseconds (duration) | Average interval between two subsequent minor GCs. Might not be available for particular GC algorithms. |
blockingRatio | percent | Estimated percentage of CPU time spent in kernel blocking operations. |
committedHeap | bytes | The committed heap size. |
committedNonHeap | bytes | The committed non-heap size. |
committedVirtualMemory | bytes | The committed virtual memory in the operating system. |
currentThreadCpuTime | nanoseconds (duration) | Current thread CPU time elapsed since the start of the measurement. Might not be available on some operating systems. |
currentThreadUserTime | nanoseconds (duration) | Current thread user time elapsed since the start of the measurement. Might not be available on some operating systems. |
edenPeakUsage | bytes | Maximum memory usage in the eden space. |
freePhysicalMemory | bytes | The free physical memory in the operating system. |
freeSwap | bytes | The free swap size. |
fullGcCount | count | Number of full GC runs. |
fullGcTime | nanoseconds (duration) | Accumulated time spent in full GC. |
gcEdenSurvivedAvg | bytes | Average number of bytes moved from eden to survivor space. Might not be available for particular GC algorithms. |
gcLoad | percent | Percentage of CPU time spent in GC. |
gcOldLiveAvg | bytes | Average number of bytes alive in the old generation. Might not be available for particular GC algorithms. |
gcSurvivorPromotedAvg | bytes | Average number of bytes moved from survivor to old space. Might not be available for particular GC algorithms. |
gcYoungLiveAvg | bytes | Average number of bytes alive in the young generation (eden + survivor spaces). It might not be available for particular GC algorithms. |
initHeap | bytes | The initial heap size. |
initNonHeap | bytes | The initial non-heap size. |
maxHeap | bytes | The maximum heap size. |
maxNonHeap | bytes | The maximum non-heap size. |
minorGcCount | COUNT | The number of minor GC runs. |
minorGcTime | nanoseconds (duration) | The accumulated time spent in minor GC. |
oldPeakUsage | bytes | The maximum memory usage in the old space. |
processCpuLoad | PERCENT | Average process CPU load for the last minute (all cores). |
snapshotTs | milliseconds (timestamp) | The time the metric was read. |
startTs | milliseconds (timestamp) | The time when the collection process started. |
survivorPeakUsage | bytes | Maximum memory usage in the survivor space. |
systemCpuLoad | PERCENT | Average system CPU load for the last minute (all cores). |
totalPhysicalMemory | bytes | The total physical memory in the operating system. |
totalSwap | bytes | The total swap size. |
usedHeap | bytes | The used heap size. |
usedNonHeap | bytes | The used non-heap size. |
vmRss | bytes | The resident set size of the complete process tree. |
vmRssDir | bytes | The resident set size of the process. |
he vmRss metric values can underestimate the memory footprint of objects that are not directly managed by the JVM. More accurate metric values can be obtained by adding the property -Dcom.unraveldata.metrics.proctree.enable=true to spark.driver.extraJavaOptions and spark.executor.extraJavaOptions