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Snowflake Documentation


The Home page contains a health check report that provides a comprehensive analysis of your Snowflake environment to optimize cost and performance. The report is generated daily based on workload of the last 7 or 14 days. It gives you an overview of your usage on Snowflake, cost and performance inefficiencies, recommendations to address the inefficiencies, and the potential savings and performance improvement if you apply these recommendations. It also shows you the results of Unravel's out-of-the-box alerting on common use cases and helps track your progress in applying these recommendations.

Key features
  • Daily Report Generation: Your health check report is automatically generated daily, providing up-to-date insights into your Snowflake environment.

  • Configurable Reporting Period: You can adjust the reporting period to 7 or 14 days based on your needs.

  • Historical Data Access: You can view reports generated in the past, giving you a historical perspective on the health check results.

  • Comprehensive Usage Summary: Your report captures cost and the breakdown into compute, storage, and data transfer components, usage in compute and storage, and user summaries. It includes key metrics such as total credits used, number of queries executed, and storage size.

  • Potential Improvements: Your report gives you a summary of the potential improvement in increased productivity, reducing cost wastage, and improving performance, based on the insights and recommendations Unravel has identified.

  • Detailed Insights: Your report provides in-depth insights into warehouse, query, storage, and operations. You can drill down into specific areas to better understand the recommendations, see the progress of you team acting on these recommendations, and see the results of our out-of-the-box alerts.