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Snowflake Documentation

Changing user name and password for external database

You can edit the unravel.yaml file to change the user name and password for an external database. However, ensure to encrypt the password before updating the unravel.yaml file with the credentials.

  1. Encrypt the password if not done already.

  2. Stop Unravel.

    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager stop
  3. Use an editor to open <Installation_directory>/unravel/data/conf/unravel.yaml file.

  4. In the unravel.yaml file, update the username and password under the database block, and save the changes.

        external: true
        hostname: <hostname>
        port: 'port'
        schema: unravel_db_prod
        tls: false
        type: mysql
        username: <username>
        password: <encrypted password>
  5. Apply the changes.

    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager config apply
  6. Start Unravel.

    <Unravel installation directory>/unravel/manager start