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Upgrading Unravel from version to 4.7.x.x

  1. Navigate to the ansible-installation directory and create a copy of the vars_template.yml file.

    cp vars_template.yml vars.yml
  2. Edit vars.yml by using any editor. For example, the vi editor.

    vi vars.yml
  3. In the vars.yml file, update values for the following parameters:




    Specify the URL of the Unravel distribution.


    Specify the username of the Linux user who owns Unravel.


    Specify the names of the user groups to which the Linux user belongs.


    Specify the path where Unravel is installed.


    Specify the Unravel version to which you want to upgrade.


    Specify whether you want to skip the upgrade.


    • Y: If you set this variable to Y, it skips the step to download and extract the Unravel tarball and configures or sets up Unravel.

    • N: If you set this variable to N, it downloads and extracts the Unravel installation tarball.


    Specify if you want to configure a separate data directory outside the Unravel directory.


    Specify the path of the license file. The file must be readable by the unravel user.


    If you define the license_path variable, the license setup is automatically run.

  4. Navigate to the ansible-installation > group_vars directory.

  5. In the all > all file, change the value of async_time to 25200 (7 hours) and async_poll to 300 (5 minutes) if the Elasticsearch data is large (more than 20GB).


    To check the current size of the Elasticsearch data, run the following command:

    du -hs <unravel_data_dir>/elasticsearch_1
  6. In the cloud_node > cloud_node.yml file, specify the hosts file (if the Unravel upgrade is for a cloud platform).

  7. In the core_node > core_node.yml and edge_nodes > edge_nodes.yml files, set the corresponding hosts file (if the Unravel upgrade is for an on-premise platform).

  8. Back up the data directory.

    tar czf /tmp/unravel-data.tar.gz /srv/unravel
  9. If you are using an external database, create a copy of the database. For example, if you are using MySQL1 database, run the following command:

    mysqldump -u <username> –p <password> <database_name> > [dump_file.sql]
  10. From the Unravel server, run the Ansible playbook.

    ansible-playbook -i inventories 4619_upgrade.yml -e @vars.yml -vvv

    Unravel is upgraded to the specified version.

  11. Start Unravel services on all hosts.

    ansible-playbook -i inventories/ install_unravel.yml -vvv -e @vars.yml --tags start_unravel
  12. Check the status of Unravel services on all hosts.

    ansible-playbook -i inventories/ install_unravel.yml -vvv -e @vars.yml --tags status_unravel