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Jobs (Databricks)

A Databricks job can contain single or multiple tasks (a workflow of tasks) with complex dependencies. Tasks include Notebook job, Spark-submit job, Spark SQL job, and so on. Each task can run on a different cluster.

The Workflows > Jobs tab lists all the job workflows.


The Job workflow list provides the following details:



Last Run Status

Status of the last run job.

Job Name/ID

Name and unique ID of the job. After you click the Job Name/ID link, the selected job name is filtered on the Job Runs page. You can view the runs for the selected job. For information, see Job Runs.


Name of the workspace where the job is run.


Name of the user who submitted the job.

Start Time

Start time and day of the job.

Run Count

The count of jobs runs.


Total time taken by the app to complete the job.

  • If a job has a single run associated with it, a dot is displayed. Hover over a dot to view the start time and duration for the single run.

  • If a job has multiple job runs associated with it, a graph is displayed. Hover over a graph to view the start time and duration for multiple runs.


Total data read by the app.

  • If a job has a single run associated with it, a dot is displayed. Hover over a dot to view the start time and total data read by the app for the single run.

  • If a job has multiple job runs associated with it, a line is displayed. Hover over a line to view the start time and total data read by the app for multiple runs.


Total data written by the app.

  • If a job has a single run associated with it, a dot is displayed. Hover over a dot to view the start time and total data written by the app for the single run.

  • If a job has multiple job runs associated with it, a line is displayed. Hover over a line to view the start time and total data written by the app for the multiple runs.


An estimated cost incurred in running the app. This cost is calculated based on VM and DBU prices.