app Release notes (08/September/2023)
Software version
Release date: 08/September/2023
New features
Interesting apps report (Databricks)
The workspace details column is named Workspace instead of Queue. (IMP-985)
Catalog and Migration Wave report
Unity reports such as Catalog and Migration Wave can process jobs for the entire cluster (IMP-1030)
Bug fixes
Unity app reports
The app IDs are comma-separated in the downloaded csv files of the Unity reports. (IMP-1088)
For Databricks, the Unity apps shows clusters that Unravel does not monitor. (IMP-993)
TopK report
The TopK report fails when the tag keys added while generating the report contain spaces. (IMP-1080)
Databricks Cost Breakdown report
While editing or generating the Databricks Cost Breakdown report, the Instance type shows empty. (IMP-1041)
The clusters and apps are missing in the Databricks Cost Breakdown report. (IMP-1013)
DBU Consumption report
DBU consumption report fails with an exception: raise IndexError("positional indexers are out-of-bounds"). (IMP-1012)
Interesting Apps report (Databricks)
Interesting apps report shows incorrect events for the spark application. (IMP-983)
App Store
Databricks cost anomaly detection
Issues with the installation of Databricks cost anomaly detection report are fixed. (IMP-1042)
The defects related to the error analysis in the Databricks Cost Anomaly Detection app are fixed. (IMP-1021)