app Release notes (03/January/2023)
Software version
Release date: 01/January/2023
New features
Interesting apps report
The job name column is added to the Interesting Apps report.
Actual cost and savings are included in the report whenever the report is generated for the cost-saving event.
Bug fixes
App Catalog report
App run counts are mismatched in the App Catalog report. (IMP-438)
Catalog report
The base app and target app run details redirection is not working for the Catalog report. (IMP-437)
EMR Instance hours report
In the EMR instance hours report, the links in the Down Individual Instance Duration column are not working. (IMP-385)
TopK report
Both signature and links to some app run links are not showing the data in the TopK reports. (IMP-435)
Interesting Apps report
Interesting apps failing for MR and Impala in EMR clusters. (IMP-477)
Databricks event analysis report
Databricks event analysis report fails. (IMP-364)
SSL Vulnerabilities were observed on ports 8050, 8111, 8060. (IMP-338)
Unable to generate AWS EMR Cost report properly. (IMP-453, IMP-476)