app Release notes (09/May/2024)
Software version
Release date: 09/Mayl/2024
What's New
Unity now supports basic authentication. Enable authentication in Manage users via command line utility in the Unity home directory. For more information see Authentication.
Unity Apps general improvements
Included FSimage updated date/time and Hive metastore table updated date/time on diagnostics page UI
HDFS Usage and Analysis report
Enhanced HDFS Analysis Report with the following sections:
Total HDFS file size and usage trends.
Top K storage-intensive users.
Top K storage-intensive files.
Small Files information for HDFS paths.
Data and Namespace quota details.
Alert mail to users in the following scenarios:
File size exceeds the allocated quota (DSQuota).
Number of name spaces.
File exceeds the threshold for small files count.
Database User Analysis report
Added replication factor component to UI, defaulting to 1 (min: 1, max: 10), impacting size analysis.
Included multi-cluster input component for enhanced report flexibility.
Introduced merge clusters checkbox for generating new data table, grouping by common table names and databases with latest access and creation times.
Expanded data table to include number of Impala and YARN users for deeper insights.
Bug fixes
Page loading fails with an exception startTime error for MR application signature links. (IMP-1870)
The duration of a killed process does not get updated on the UI. (IMP-1336)
A different report name is displayed while confirming the deletion of a report. (IMP-1450)
An incorrect confirmation message is displayed when you terminate the killed or failed report runs. (IMP-1335)