app Release notes (02/February/2023)
Software version
Release date: 02/February/2023
New features
New reports
The following new reports are included in this release:
Azure Bill Analysis report
The Azure Bill Analysis report analyzes the billing details for Microsoft Azure and provides an analysis of cost, trends, and insights for different entities such as jobs, clusters, and users. (IMP-491)
Interesting Impala Queries Report
Interesting Impala Queries report presents a summary of Impala queries that were breached based on the specified threshold values. (IMP-489)
Bug fixes
Cloud SQL Migration report
Mandatory field validation is missing for the Cloud SQL Migration report. (IMP-521)
EMR reports
AWS EMR Cost report
AWS EMR Cost report failed with no filter. (IMP-453)
AWS EMR Cost report is generated; however, the TopK clusters by cost do not show any data. (IMP-476)
EMR-related reports fail in Unravel as data mismatch. (IMP-492)
EMR instance not generating the report. (IMP-534)
Impala reports
Some long-running Impala reports get killed. (IMP-512)
HDFS and Small file report
Handle the nth level in the HDFS path. (IMP-502)
Add more event names for Hive in the Unity reports. (IMP-522)
Report formats
Clear CSV format of the generated reports for users. (IMP-514)
Download CSV format issue resolved for Azure billing report. (IMP-539)
SSL Vulnerabilities were observed on ports 8050,8111,8060. (IMP-338)
TopK report
Include user mapping in the TopK report. (IMP-525)
Signature links data not showing in the reports. (IMP-538)