Live Metrics
Property/Description | Set by user | Unit | Default |
com.unraveldata.metrics.backup.dir Parent directory for database backup files. | Optional | string | /srv/unravel/metBkup | The number of data points to be stored in a single database row. | Optional | count | 44 |
com.unraveldata.metrics.doArchive When | Optional | boolean | false |
com.unraveldata.metrics.factor Property to skip metrics updates. If this property is specified, lesser messages are processed by the insights worker. Specify any of the following to skip metrics updates:
| Optional | Integer | 1 |
com.unraveldata.metrics.loadfile.dir Parent directory for metric load files. | Optional | string | /srv/unravel/metLoad |
com.unraveldata.metrics.loadLatency.sec Latency for loading metrics of a job. | Optional | seconds | 600 |
com.unraveldata.metrics.merge.cache Specify the count of messages to be stored in the cache or memory before storing in the database. For example, if com.unraveldata.metrics.merge.cache = 30 and unravel.metrics.factor = 5 (seconds), then 30 * 5 = 150 seconds. The data is pushed to the database every 150 seconds. For 150 seconds, the data is kept in memory. | Optional | count | 30 |
com.unraveldata.metrics.partition.cnt Partitions available for future metrics. | Optional | count | 4 |
com.unraveldata.metrics.partition.sec Duration of a partition (1 week). | Optional | seconds | 604800 |
com.unraveldata.metrics.retention.sec The threshold to retire partitions (1 month). | Optional | seconds | 2592000 |
com.unraveldata.metrics.sample.count.max Specify the maximum count of data points for sampling purposes. This represents how many messages need to be aggregated to construct one data point in the graph. Here, the default is 16, which means one data point in the resource metrics graph represents 16 samples collected or received. This is the maximum value. With Live aggregation, messages are dynamically aggregated as and when they are received. Initially, the sample count is 1. If enough data points ( value of exist, then it is further aggregated with and replaced the message with another set. The sample count changes to 2. This process repeats, and the sample count changes to 4, 8, and 16. Since we have set the upper limit as 16, no further merging or folding occurs. To modify the sample count property, you must set it as n x 2, that is, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. This property defines the granularity of the data for long-running applications. If you want high granularity, you must set lower values. | Optional | count | 16 |
com.unraveldata.metrics.statFrequency.sec How often to write load statistics to log. | Optional | seconds | 600 |