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Configuring HBase


Before configuring HBase with Unravel, you may want to estimate Unravel storage requirements to monitor your cluster.

  1. Add the following HBase connection properties as applicable. Refer to Configuring Unravel > Updating Unravel properties for steps to add properties in Unravel.

    See the Property list and definitions for more details about the HBase connection properties.

    # Note: Following properties are applicable only if the <source_type> is set to either CDH or AMBARI<rest_url><rest_user><rest_password><cluster_name=service_name><see property definition>
    com.unraveldata.hbase.master.port=<see property definition>
    com.unraveldata.hbase.regionserver.port=<see property definition>
    # Note: Following properties are applicable if source.type is set to JMX
    com.unraveldata.hbase.cluster_name.node.http.apis=<see property definition>
    # Note: Following properties are optional (tune as required)
    com.unraveldata.hbase.metric.poll.interval=<see property definition>
    com.unraveldata.hbase.http.conn.timeout=<see property definition>
    com.unraveldata.hbase.http.poll.parallelism=<see property definition>
    com.unraveldata.hbase.alert.average.threshold=<see property definition>
  2. Start HBase service.

    # If HBase is setup on edge node, run the following command:
    sudo -u unravel <Installation_directory>/manager restart cluster_access
    # If HBase is set up on the core node, run the following command:
    sudo -u unravel <Installation_directory>/manager restart unravel_sensor_1
  3. Check there are no connection errors.

    # If HBase is setup on edge node, run the following command:
    tail <Installation_directory>/logs/cluster_access.log
    # If HBase is set up on the core node, run the following command:
    tail <Installation_directory>/manager restart unravel_sensor_1
  4. Check if HBase data is available from the UI.

The following tables list the HBase properties and their corresponding definitions.