You must configure Unravel for Kafka monitoring. The Kafka monitoring is differently configured for Kafka managed by CDH, CDP, and HDP platforms and for external Kafka.
Setting Kafka monitoring for Kafka managed by CDH, CDP, and HDP platforms
In the case of multi-cluster Unravel deployment, run the following steps on the core node.
Stop Unravel.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager stopEnable Kafka monitoring service on the Unravel UI.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager config feature enable kafka-monitoringAdd the brokers.
To add the brokers, you will require the following:
Cluster key and Kafka service key
You can run the following command to get the Cluster name and Kafka service key.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager config edge show-- Running: config edge show ------------ | ---------------------------------------- | ------------ EDGE KEY | - local-node | Enabled | Cluster manager: | Enabled | Clusters: | CLUSTER KEY | - ClusterFromTemplate | Enabled | KAFKA: | SERVICE KEY | - kafka | Enabled
Broker ID
For CDH and CDP platforms, go to Cloudera Manager > Kafka > Instances to get the broker IDs.
Broker Hostname
Broker port number
By default, the Broker port number is:
9092 for PLAINTEXT, SASL_PLAINTEXT protocols
9093 for SASL_SSL protocol
You can cross-check the port numbers for CDH and CDP platforms as follows:
Go to Cloudera Manager > Kafka > Configuration and check for TCP port.
JMX port number
The default JMX port for Cloudera Manager is 9398. You can cross-check the JMX port numbers for CDH and CDP platforms as follows:
Go to Cloudera Manager > Kafka > Configuration and search for jmx_port.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager config kafka broker add<cluster-key> <kafka-key>
For example: /opt/unravel/manager config kafka broker add ClusterFromTemplate kafka 1546333347 abc.example.com 9092 9393
Apply the changes.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager config applyStart Unravel.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager startVerify if the Kafka monitoring is enabled.
<Unravel installation directory>
manager config feature showThe following output is shown:
-- Running: config feature show kafka-monitoring : Enabled -- OK
For CDH and CDP: Login to Cloudera Manager and go to Kafka >Configuration and search for Additional Broker Java Options. Replace the existing content with the following in the broker_java_opts text box:
-server -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=20 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=35 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=16M -XX:MinMetaspaceFreeRatio=50 -XX:MaxMetaspaceFreeRatio=80 -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.local.only=true -Djava.rmi.server.useLocalHostname=true -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.rmi.port=9393
In case your JMX port is not 9393, then you must change the JMX port accordingly.
After applying all the changes, restart the services for the stale configuration.
Setting Kafka monitoring for external Kafka
To setup Unravel for external Kafka monitoring, do the following:
In the case of multi-cluster Unravel deployment, run the following steps on the core node.
Stop Unravel.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager stopFrom the installation directory, create a new cluster entry.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager config cluster add<cluster-name>
For example: /opt/unravel/manager config add mycluster
Create a Kafka cluster within that new cluster.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager config kafka add<cluster-key> <kafka-key>
For example: /opt/unravel/manager config kafka add mycluster mykafkacluster
Add brokers to the Kafka cluster, which was created in Step 3.
For CDH and CDP platforms, go to Cloudera Manager > Kafka > Instances to get the broker IDs.
<Unravel installation directory>
/manager config kafka broker add<cluster-name> <kafka-key>
For example: /opt/unravel/manager config kafka broker add mycluster mykafka 15234 abc.example.com 9092 9393
Set the Kafka properties using any of the following options:
Refer to Kafka properties for the complete list and details of Kafka properties.
Enable Kafka monitoring service on the Unravel UI.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager config feature enable kafka-monitoringApply the changes.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager config applyStart Unravel.
<Unravel installation directory>
/unravel/manager startVerify if the Kafka monitoring is enabled.
<Unravel installation directory>
manager config feature showThe following output is shown:
-- Running: config feature show kafka-monitoring : Enabled -- OK