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- v4.6.x Release notes
- v4.6.x - Updates to Unravel properties
v4.6.x - Updates to Unravel properties
This page lists Unravel configuration properties added, renamed, removed, and deprecated in 4.6.x. For a complete list of all current properties, see Unravel Properties.
Property/Description | Default |
Audit Events | |
unravel.audit.enabled True - Audit is enabled for Unravel. The Audit tab is displayed in the UI for admin users. False - Audit feature is disabled and the Audit tab is hidden in the UI. | True |
unravel.audit.rest.timeout.seconds The time period in number of seconds when an event can be added to the database after each invocation. Events that cannot be added within this time will be dropped. The timeout is set to prevent long waits that would slow down Unravel. | 2 |
unravel.audit.dateFormat Date and time format for Audit Event logs. | Default is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.SSS[Z] |
Alerts | |
com.unraveldata.monitoring.keytab.check.interval Keytab query interval in minutes. | 3 minutes |
com.unraveldata.monitor.keystore.expire.days If certificate expiry falls within this number, an alert is sent. | - |
com.unraveldata.monitor.truststore.expire.days If certificate expiry falls within this number, an alert is sent. | - |
com.unraveldata.monitoring.keystore.check.interval Keystore query interval in minutes. | 5 minutes |
SAML | |
com.unraveldata.saml.groupFilter Comma-separated list of SAML Group names (short name not full DNs). | - |
| false |
com.unraveldata.http.client.ssl.key_store_password Key store password as plain text. | - |
com.unraveldata.datastore.port.https Datastore host. | |
datastore.ssl.enabled if true, enables SSL for Datastore. | false |
com.unraveldata.server.ssl.trust_store_path Trust store file path. | - |
com.unraveldata.server.ssl.trust_store_password Trust store password in plain text. | - |
Property | Renamed to |
com.unraveldata.cluster_access.grpc_client.ssl.trust_store_path | com.unraveldata.http.client.ssl.trust_store_path |
com.unraveldata.cluster_access.grpc_client.ssl.trust_store_password | com.unraveldata.http.client.ssl.trust_store_password |
com.unraveldata.cluster_access.grpc_client.log_network_activity | com.unraveldata.log_network_activity |
com.unraveldata.server.log_network_activity | com.unraveldata.log_network_activity |
com.unraveldata.server.ssl.cert_path | com.unraveldata.server.ssl.key_store_path |
com.unraveldata.server.ssl.cert_password | com.unraveldata.server.ssl.key_store_password |
Property/Description | Default |
Cloudera Manager (CM) | |
com.unraveldata.cloudera.manager.list Comma-delimited list of variables to designate one or more CM instances. | - |
com.unraveldata.cloudera.manager.X.url Cloudera URL for variable | - |
com.unraveldata.cloudera.manager.X.username Cloudera user name for variable | - |
com.unraveldata.cloudera.manager.X.password Cloudera password for variable | - |
com.unraveldata.cloudera.manager.X.unravel.cluster.ids Cloudera manager UUID and display name. | - |
Ambari | |
com.unraveldata.ambari.manager.list Comma-delimited list of variables to designate one or more Ambari instances. This is used for configuration purposes only and does not need to correspond to Ambari hostnames or cluster ID/name. | - |
com.unraveldata.ambari.X.url Ambari URL for variable | - |
com.unraveldata.ambari.X.username Ambari user name for variable | - |
com.unraveldata.ambari.X.password Ambari password for variable | - |
Hive Metastore | |
com.unraveldata.hive.metastore.list Comma-delimited list of variables to designate one or more Hive metastore instances. | - |
com.unraveldata.cloudera.manager.X.unravel.cluster.ids Replace The value is a comma-delimited list of Unravel cluster IDs, and in the case of Impala, the Cloudera Manager (CM) cluster IDs. | - |
javax.jdo.option.X.ConnectionURL Hive metastore URL for variable | - |
javax.jdo.option.X.ConnectionDriverName Hive metastore JDBC driver name for variable | - |
javax.jdo.option.X.ConnectionUserName Hive metastore JDBC user name for variable | - |
javax.jdo.option.X.ConnectionPassword Hive metastore JDBC password for variable | - |
Kafka | |
com.unraveldata.ext.kafka.cluster.list Cluster list. These user-defined names are used to clearly identify the Kafka cluster in the Unravel UI. Use a comma-separated list for multiple clusters. | - |
Reports | |
unravel.python.reporting.cluster.unravel.id Specify the cluster UID which is used to generate the following reports:
| |
unravel.server.protocol Value can be http or https based on whether Unravel UI URL is http or https. Default is http. Used to retrieve an API token so it can access the heatmap and app types information used in the Workload Fit analysis. | http |
Pipelines | |
com.unravel.workflows.compareupdate.disable | - |
The following properties must be added to the Core node server in a multi-cluster deployment for on-prem platforms.
Property/Description | Default |
Multi-cluster configurations for components accessed from Core node server | |
Cloudera Manager (CM) | |
com.unraveldata.cloudera.manager.list Comma-delimited list of variables to designate one or more CM instances. | - |
com.unraveldata.cloudera.manager.X.url Cloudera URL for variable | - |
com.unraveldata.cloudera.manager.X.username Cloudera user name for variable | - |
com.unraveldata.cloudera.manager.X.password Cloudera password for variable | - |
com.unraveldata.cloudera.manager.X.unravel.cluster.ids Cloudera manager UUID and display name. | - |
Ambari | |
com.unraveldata.ambari.manager.list Comma-delimited list of variables to designate one or more Ambari instances. This is used for configuration purposes only and does not need to correspond to Ambari hostnames or cluster ID/name. | - |
com.unraveldata.ambari.X.url Ambari URL for variable | - |
com.unraveldata.ambari.X.username Ambari user name for variable | - |
com.unraveldata.ambari.X.password Ambari password for variable | - |
Hive Metastore | |
com.unraveldata.hive.metastore.list Comma-delimited list of variables to designate one or more Hive metastore instances. | - |
com.unraveldata.cloudera.manager.X.unravel.cluster.ids Replace The value is a comma-delimited list of Unravel cluster IDs, and in the case of Impala, the Cloudera Manager (CM) cluster IDs. | - |
javax.jdo.option.X.ConnectionURL Hive metastore URL for variable | - |
javax.jdo.option.X.ConnectionDriverName Hive metastore JDBC driver name for variable | - |
javax.jdo.option.X.ConnectionUserName Hive metastore JDBC user name for variable | - |
javax.jdo.option.X.ConnectionPassword Hive metastore JDBC password for variable | - |
Kafka | |
com.unraveldata.ext.kafka.cluster.list Cluster list. These user-defined names are used to clearly identify the Kafka cluster in the Unravel UI. Use a comma separated list for multiple clusters. | - |
com.unraveldata.ext.kafka.X.bootstrap_servers Comma-separated list of kafka brokers for that cluster. | - |
com.unraveldata.ext.kafka.<server>.jmx_servers Comma-separated list of jmx servers | - |
com.unraveldata.ext.kafka.<server>.jmx.kafka1.host Host name of jmx server. | - |
com.unraveldata.ext.kafka.<server>.jmx.kafka1.port Port of jmx server. | - |
com.unraveldata.ext.kafka.<server>.jmx.kafka1.run_period Collection interval for jmx metrics. | - |
Pipelines | |
com.unravel.workflows.compareupdate.disable Suppresses redundant message processing for workflows. |
The following properties must be added for Tez to the Edge node server in a multi-cluster deployment for on-prem platforms.
Property/Description | Set by user | Unit | Default |
com.unraveldata.yarn.timeline-service.webapp.address The HTTP address of the Timeline service web application. | Optional | string (URL) | - |
com.unraveldata.yarn.timeline-service.port Timeline service port. | number | 8188 |
In a multi-cluster environment, you must add these properties to the Edge node.
In a multi-cluster deployment for on-prem platforms, the following properties must be added to the Edge node server, for MR jobs to load jhist and logs, HDFS path for jhist/conf, and yarn logs:
Property/Description | Default |
com.unraveldata.min.job.duration.for.attempt.log Minimum duration of a successful application or which executor logs are processed (in milliseconds). | 600000 (10 mins) |
com.unraveldata.job.collector.log.aggregation.base HDFS path to the aggregated container logs (logs to process). Don't include the hdfs:// prefix. The log format defaults to TFile. You can specify multiple logs and log formats (TFile or IndexedFormat). Example: For HDP set this to: | /tmp/logs/*/logs/ |
com.unraveldata.job.collector.done.log.base HDFS path to "done" directory of MR logs. Do not include the For HDP set this to: | hdfs:///user/spark/applicationHistory/ |
com.unraveldata.spark.eventlog.location All the possible locations of the event log files. Multiple locations are supported as a comma-separated list of values. This property is used only when the Unravel sensor is not enabled. When the sensor is enabled, the event log path is taken from the application configuration at runtime. |
This property is replaced by com.unraveldata.ext.kafka.cluster.list. RC1
Property/Description | Default |
Elasticsearch | |
com.unraveldata.elk.es.monitor.enabled Enable/disable Elasticsearch cluster monitoring. | false |
com.unraveldata.elk.es.clusters Specify clusters for Elasticsearch monitoring. Comma-separated in case of multiple clusters. | - |
com.unraveldata.elk.es.rest.url.<cluster_name> URL of the REST API for the cluster. Comma-separated in case of multiple URLs. | - |
com.unraveldata.elk.es.rest.endpoints.<cluster_name> Rest API endpoints. Comma-separated in case of multiple endpoints. | /_cluster/health?level=indices,/_cluster/stats,/_nodes/stats,/_stats,/_cat/nodes?format=json&amp;amp;h=,/_cat/indices?format=json&amp;amp;h= |
com.unraveldata.elk.es.rest.user.<cluster_name> REST API user name. | - |
com.unraveldata.elk.es.rest.pwd.<cluster_name> REST API password. This password should be encrypted. | - |
com.unraveldata.elk.es.rest.ssl.enabled.<cluster_name> Enable/Disable SSL | false |
com.unraveldata.elk.es.metric.poll.interval Intervals to poll Elasticsearch metrics. | 90 |
com.unraveldata.elk.es.http.poll.parallelism Number of cores for parallelism. | 2 |
com.unraveldata.elk.es.http.conn.timeout Time interval before HTTP connection is timeout. | 20 |
com.unraveldata.elk.es.http.read.timeout Time interval before HTTP read is timeout. | 120 |
com.unraveldata.elk.es.metrics.json Path to JSON configuration file. | /usr/local/unravel/etc/elk_es_metrics.json |
Logstash | |
com.unraveldata.elk.logstash.enable Enable/Disable Logstash monitoring. | false |
com.unraveldata.elk.logstash.poll_frequency_sec Poll interval for Logstash monitoring. | 90 |
com.unraveldata.elk.logstash.http.conn.timeout Time interval before HTTP connection is timed out. | 10 |
com.unraveldata.elk.logstash.http.read.timeout Time interval before HTTP read is timed out. | 60 |
com.unraveldata.elk.logstash.instance Comma-separated aliases for Logstash instances. For example: com.unraveldata.elk.logstash.instance=LOG,LOG1,LOG2,LOG3 | - |
com.unraveldata.elk.logstash.<alias>.host Hostname of the Logstash instance. For example: | - |
com.unraveldata.elk.logstash.<alias>.port Port used by the Logstash instance for the hostname. For example: com.unraveldata.elk.logstash.LOG.port=9600 | - |
Kibana | |
com.unraveldata.elk.kibana.monitor.enabled Enable/Disable Kibana monitoring. | false |
com.unraveldata.elk.kibana.instance Instance name. Comma-separated list in case of multiple instances. | - |
com.unraveldata.elk.kibana.rest.url.kibana The REST API URL of the Kibana instance. Comma-separated in case of multiple URL values. Provide the URL in the following format: <elasticsearch_cluster_rest_endpoint>:<port> | - |
com.unraveldata.elk.kibana.rest.endpoints.kibana Rest API endpoints. Comma-separated in case of multiple endpoints. | - |
com.unraveldata.elk.kibana.rest.user.kibana REST API username | - |
com.unraveldata.elk.kibana.rest.pwd.kibana REST API password. The password should be encrypted. | - |
com.unraveldata.elk.kibana.rest.ssl.enabled.kibana Enable/Disable SSL authentication. | false |
com.unraveldata.elk.kibana.metric.poll.interval Intervals to poll the kibana metrics. | 90 |
com.unraveldata.elk.kibana.http.poll.parallelism Number of cores for parallelism. | 2 |
com.unraveldata.elk.kibana.http.conn.timeout Time interval before HTTP connection is timed out. | 20 |
com.unraveldata.elk.kibana.http.read.timeout Time interval before HTTP read is timed out. | 120 |
com.unraveldata.elk.kibana.metrics.json Path to JSON configuration file. | /usr/local/unravel/etc/elk_kibana_metrics.json |
Property/Description | Default |
Cloudera Manager | |
com.unraveldata.cloudera.manager.api.version Returns the clusters managed by the Cloudera Manager (CM), when the default CM API version fails to do so. CM API version is provided by the CM via API: http|https:// | null |
Property/Description | Default |
Azure Active Directory (AAD) | |
com.unraveldata.login.aad.config Specify the path to the | /usr/local/unravel/etc/aad.json |
Billing service | |
unravel.billing.enabled Set this to true to enable the billing service. | false |
unravel.billing.pricingplan Set this to any of the following plans:
| - |
unravel.billing.startdate.plan Specify the start date of the plan in yyyy-mm-dd format. For example: 2021-01-01. The start date must be the first day of the month. When you add more credit, you must specify a new start date via this property. The new credit takes effect on the new start date. The earliest start date is the month after the current month. | - |
unravel.billing.enddate.plan Specify the end date of the plan in yyyy-mm-dd format. For example: 2021-01-31. The end date should be the last day of the month and a date after the start date. | - |
unravel.billing.unit Set this to any of the following:
For dbu, the cost of a cluster is attributed to the day when the cluster terminates. When dbu is selected, users need to create a pricing config file that specifies different prices for different workload types. | - |
unravel.billing.defaultprice When unravel.billing.unit=dbu, this property (unravel.billing.defaultprice) specifies the default price in USD for any workload type that is not listed in the pricing config file. When unravel.billing.unit=instance_hours, this property specifies the price in USD for all instance types. When this property is not specified, the default value is 0.1 ($0.10). You must specify the value with at least one integer and one or two fractional digits. For example, 0.22 or 1.0. | 0.1 ($0.10) |
unravel.billing.startingcredit Only applicable when the plan is unravel.billing.pricingplan=pay_in_advance. This property specifies the amount of money in USD that the customer pays in advance. The credits are deducted at the end of each day by the amount that corresponds to the usage (measured in unravel.billing.unit) multiplied by the price per unit. In the case of DBU, there can be a different price for each workload type, as specified in the pricing config file. You must specify the value with at least one integer and one or two fractional digits. For example, 0.22 or 1.0. | - |
Property/Description | Default |
Billing | |
unravel.billing.instance.hour.price Price of per-instance/node hour in the set currency. For example, dollars. | 0.10 |
unravel.billing.dayofmonth.report A day in a month to generate and email the monthly usage bill. | 1 |
unravel.billing.currency Currency code/symbol used for billing. | $ |
Property/Description | Default |
Migration Planning | |
unravel.python.reporting.cluster.name Specify the cluster name which is used to generate the following reports:
In case this property is not specified, then com.unraveldata.cluster.name property is used. If even that property is not specified, the cluster list in the local system is used and the reports are generated for the first cluster in the list. | - |
com.unraveldata.report.excluded.queues The queues to exclude from metric collection and the queue analysis report. | - |
com.unraveldata.migrationplanning.workloadfit.max.apps Configure the limit on maximum number of apps shown in a single slice of workload fit report and heatmap generation. | 1 million |
com.unraveldata.migrationplanning.workloadfit.timeout Configure the timeout for the workload fit report and heat map generation. | 90 s |
Spark | |
com.unraveldata.process.executor.log Set the flag to process the executor logs. | true |
com.unraveldata.process.event.log Processes event logs. The default is set to True. If set to False the event logs are not processed. | true |
Sensor | |
spark.unravel.program.path hdfs/S3/adl path to the source zip file of the Spark app. This is a new way to upload spark program. Unravel daemons can access this file. | - |
com.unraveldata.client.resolve.hostname If set to | true |
Workflow | |
com.unraveldata.oozie.staleworkflow.fetch.num The maximum number of stale workflows to update in a single run. | 100 |
com.unraveldata.oozie.staleworkflow.interval.sec The frequency of the task. | 120 s |
com.unraveldata.oozie.staleworkflow.fetch.logs Whether to fetch Oozie logs for a stale workflow. | false |
com.unraveldata.oozie.staleworkflow.starttimedelta.min The minimum time interval that determines if a workflow is stale. | 30 min |
com.unraveldata.oozie.fetch.logs Whether to fetch the Oozie logs for a workflow. | true |
The default value is changed from 1000 to 5000.
The possible values include EMR.
Property/Description | Default |
Multi-cluster | |
com.unraveldata.multicluster.enable Enables and disables the ability to collect to multiple clusters.
Unit | 3 |
Spark Sensor | |
Valid range: 1-5 Unit: integer |
spark.unravel.sql.updates.enabled Enables or disable SQL updates from sensor.
Unit: boolean |
spark.unravel.listener.max.task.count The number of tasks kept in memory by UnravelListener and sent to Unravel daemon when spark.unravel.metrics.level =4. Valid values: >= 0 Unit: integer | 50 |
spark.unravel.live.update.interval.sec The frequency of updates form sensor. The updates are sent only on task completion, Stage completion, Job start and on job end events. Valid range: >= 0 Unit: integer | 60 |
spark.unravel.sensor.log.level Controls the sensor messages for easy debugging. Valid values: debug, info, warn, error Unit: member of set | error |